Monday, January 28, 2008

Our baby's growing up!!!

So I might just be a little sad, ok yeah, I'm sad. Last night Chris(with Andrew's help) took down that last peice of real baby furniture in the house, Ethan's crib. He's been sleeping on the bottom bunk of the bunk beds for the last week and has done a great job of sleeping through the night and taking his naps. While I love the fact that there's more room in the boys' room, it makes me sad to know that the next time we have a crib up in our house will be when our kids have kids. Kinda crazy!! Oh, sorry for the pink eyes, I don't know how to fix them...I'll figure this all out soon.


Shelley said...

Ethan is so the template!

Miss Fergie said...

Hey Heather, I'm glad you have a blog. I think the last time I saw you your little girl was a baby. Crazy! She's like your little minnie me. Your kids are so cute!

Molly Jolley said...

Hey heather i found your blog thru shelleys i am so glad that you have one. your family is way to cute