Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ethan's going to make me ten years older!!!

So I about had a heart attack this afternoon. I took the kids to the grocery store to get a few things before family got here. Ethan loves the grocery carts with the car in front of the cart so I got a disinfectant wipe(which I love), wiped the steering wheel down and buckled him in. So I started my shopping for the few things on my list that I needed to get. I checked everything off and went to the front to check out. I love it when the cashiers are waiting for you and you don't have to wait at all. I started loading my things when I noticed that my son(not even 2 yet, at least not for another day) was not in the car. FREAK OUT!!!! Oh my gosh, I was FREAKING OUT!!!! Just gone!!! They asked me what he looked like and I told them and then they asked me what he was wearing and I couldn't remember. It was so scary! A big thanks to Ashley Wolfley! Right when I realized he was gone, I saw Ashley and asked her to go down by the frozen section while I looked somewhere else. Women were looking with me as well as employees. Ashley found him! Thank you Ashley! I just held Ethan and was so thankful he was ok. Then as he screamed while leaving the store, my feelings of gratitude and love kinda went out the window. I love him so much but man, he gives me a run for my money everyday!!! All I can do is laugh. Again, no picture!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Nothing is safe!!!!!

So I was very carefull in getting ready for Madilyn's party yesterday. I made sure that I put everything in a safe place so that our sweet little Ethan couldn't reach up, pull a chair over, or do anything to undo my handywork. But of course, he found a loophole. I had frosted the cupcakes and didn't have room in the fridge. The only safe place I had (I thought) was to put them up on top of the fridge. I was WRONG!!!! I was doing Madilyn's hair in my bathroom and Ethan walked in covered in chocolate with a cupcake wrapper in hand. Needless to say I was very upset as I picked up cake crumbs while tracing his steps back down the hallway. The little sneak pulled a barstool over to the counter and from what I could tell reached up onto the fridge, which seems like quite a reach. I think he may have then stood on top of my kitchen aid. Nothing stands in his way! I didn't get a picture because, well I was mad. But I thought I'd share the story.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Time for Tea?

So today we had a friend birthday party for Madilyn and instead of inviting all the neighborhood and kids from her class, we invited her closest friends over for a tea party. They dressed in dress up dresses and put ribbon and flowers on straw hats. Overall, they had a great time and I am not completely exhausted from overdoing everything like we did last year. The menu consisted of crackers, cheese, deli meat, strawberries, bananas, yogurt covered pretzels and mini fruit medley tarts. And of course, our "tea" was apple juice. Topped off by chocolate cupcakes. Madilyn has some great friends that we love having around.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Picture Day!!

We had the kids photos taken by Wendy Gailey. We think she did an amazing job. Check out her website at Talk about melting my heart.

The Three Musketeers

I just can't say enough about them. I love my kids so much!!!

Eight years ago today I was expecting my first.....

baby and I waited, and waited, and waited for ten more days for Madilyn to make her appearance. She finally did come but not until the 23rd. 10 days overdue!! She still runs on her own time schedule.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring is coming!!!

Well for the last week or so we've had some really great weather. Well good for Utah this time of year anyways. We have gone to the zoo with friends and to the park and just outside to play. It's been awesome. I'm ready to get rid of this white skin and ready for a glowing tan. Ok so you all know that I don't really tan but blue skies and warm temperatures will be nice!!!