Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just a little bit fat!

K so kids are PAINFULLY honest! Sweet Drew told me this afternoon that I was getting just a little bit fat as he held up his fingers to show me exactly how little that is. He recommended that I excercise tonight. I would've laughed like that was the most absurd thing I'd ever heard from him if I hadn't known that yeah, I have gained about 5 pounds in the last few months. K so back to work I go on maintaining weight loss. I hate for all you who haven't seen me in years to know that I actually got really big. Yeah really big. I delivered Ethan at the ripe size of 209 lbs. Yeah, now that's a big mama. Thanks to weight watchers, I got back to my goal weight but HELLO, obviously the 5 lbs is showing. Anyone seen my weight watchers journal?


Olsen's said...

Whatever you are so tiny! If you really want to lose it instantly then come over. I've had the flu all week and could pass it on!!

The Price's Wife said...

At least he didn't say you were "biggie sized" like Ellie once did. Things could be worse!

Shelley said...

I'm so with ya...except mine is 10, not 5....I'm counting tomorrow, no matter what! (I say that every night:)

Mary said...

Whatever Drew. Heather, you really are looking so good and healthy! There aren't a lot of pictures of you on the blog (that's how it always goes for the photographer), but I can tell you've lost the pregnancy weight. If Drew is like my kids, he probably thinks your skin is fat. My girls occasionally make fun of my flabby tummy, so I just remind them that they are the ones who made it that way and they better back off! Seriously, you look great!

beth said...

Oh Drew, you are such a funny boy! You have to love that personality, he is hilarious!