Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Moab Family Vacation

This last weekend we took off for Moab Utah. Saying that we had an awesome trip wouldn't even give it justice. The kids and Chris and I loved it! I brought the trusty Fabreeze to spray down the beds before we put our bedding down. Chris laughed at me and told me I was not a camper. He also told me that I couldn't bring a blow dryer and make up. We were really roughing it.

We told the kids we would give them 5 dollars if they could catch a lizard. Ethan is playing with a little metal sculpture of one here. The kids were unsuccessful and I'm not out any money. Those lizards were so stinkin fast but that didn't stop the kids from trying. They were so fascinated by all the little creatures in the park. This is Balanced Rock and it was the first thing we saw. The kids were so excited to be in Arches National Park. When we entered the park, the attendant gave each of the kids their own map. Madilyn became our guide. She told us where to go and circled everywhere we'd been. She was our little tour guide.
We got to climb and stand in many of the arches. This is the North Windows Arch. We had so much fun hiking and climbing on the rocks. It was an absolutely beautiful weekend in beautiful surroundings. So cool! Andrew ran everywhere we went so we think he hiked twice as much as we did. He'd run ahead and then run back to us and run ahead again.
Is this kid cute or what? Our little trouble maker Ethan chillin on the rocks! Ethan did great on the first day in Arches but the second day, Chris spent most of the time holding him as we hiked. It also got pretty hot that day. Chris got quite a work out.

1 comment:

sherryandbryon said...

Hi Heather! I just saw your post on my blog. I'm so happy you have a blog, too! Your kids are so cute and what a fun family vacation you had! I'm adding you to my "blog roll" so we can keep in touch. Tell Michelle and Tracy that they need to start blogs, too!
love, sherry