Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ice cream with Gramme Sparks....kinda

So the kids got an ice cream card in the mail from their gram-me Sparks who lives in California. Beth is really creative and good at crafty things. She made this card. Isn't it cute!! The note inside said she wished she could take the kids out for ice cream and had money inside to treat them to something yummy. The kids were excited to go and get their treat and so we went this afternoon.
Madilyn's ice cream was strawberry mixed with gummi bears. Drew's was Raspberry with bubble gum or gubble bum to Ethan, and Ethan's was strawberry with rainbow sprinkles. It was definately a sweet treat!!!!


Shelley said...

That is the cutest idea. What a darling card!

Olsen's said...

How fun! Ice cream is the only way to go!!

Flightee said...

Yummy! The ice cream looks like a great idea! Cool card.

Anonymous said...

Cute card and eat some ice cream for me too. Thanks Heather for your kind words we are ok. It sucks but this is what we need to do and I have cried every day after dropping Sariah off. Thanks again for being a good friend it is funny even when years have pasted friendships don't seem to change.

beth said...

I'm glad you guys enjoyed your ice cream!! It was fun making the cards but I wish I could spend more time with you guys.

PS--dad and I are in training so we will be in shape to take care of Ethan--yes I'm serious, although he looks so grown up eating his ice cream.